prepper q4 pipeline surface preparation handheld
prepper q4 pipeline surface preparation
prepper q4 wide surface preparation technology
prepper q4 wide surface preparation
prepper q4 pipeline surface preparation handheld
prepper q4 pipeline surface preparation
prepper q4 wide surface preparation technology
prepper q4 wide surface preparation

Prepper® Q4 (Quattro): Coming Soon

The Prepper Q4 is a wide surface ‘blasting without grit’ technology that’s up to 4 x faster than conventional blasting.

It’s specially designed for rapid, high performance surface preparation and corrosion removal on decks, walls, H-beams and round surfaces such as pipelines.


A technical director from the sole, official UK and Ireland distributor of the Prepper® Q4 will respond to ensure you get the best usage out of the technology for your application.


The Prepper Q4  incorporates all of the ‘blasting without grit’ power of the Bristle Blaster®. It fits 4 x 23mm Bristle Blaster belts for corrosion removal on surfaces such as offshore and marine decks and walkways, pipelines and more.

Key benefits of using the Prepper Q4 include:

      100mm wide surface preparation and corrosion removal power
      6 – 12m² speed per hour, per operator
     – 50 – 95 µm Rz anchor profile
      Dust suction control available
     – Water driven technology

With the Prepper Q4 ®, speed, pressure, oscillation and rotation metrics are adjustable to suit corrosion and coatings removal requirements and roughness imprint.


Water Driven, Electric and Cordless Surface Preparation Power

The Prepper Q4 is available as a water driven and cordless technology (meaning there’s no need for air, electrical or hydraulics set up or machinery) and as an electric technology. 

If you’d like more information about the Prepper Q4 technology, or have any questions, use the button below to contact Cactus today.


A technical director will respond to your enquiry

Key Benefits

  • Fits 4 x 23mm Bristle Blaster belts for wide surface preparation, corrosion and coatings removal power
  • 6 – 12m² speed per hour, per operator
  • Generates an anchor profile of 50 – 95 µm Rz
  • Uses aqua hydraulic technology with no need for electrical or pneumatic machinery or set up
  • Can be used in dry, wet and subsea environments
  • suitable for use in ATEX Zone 1 applications



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Application Areas Include:

Offshore decks and walkways
Marine decks and walkways
Round surfaces such as pipelines


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Bristle Blaster surface preparation tool is used for pipeline construction, maintenance and repair

Bristle Blaster, Pipeline Construction

The Bristle Blaster surface preparation tool is used in pipeline maintenance and repair

Bristle Blaster, Steel Construction

ARC 858 high strength bonding polymer seals, shims and bonds new plates to a prepared surface on an offshore platform

Plate Bonding – Cactus ARC 858


Call  +44(0)  1698  591635

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    Cactus Industrial

    What Is the Prepper Q4?

    The Prepper Q4 is a 100mm wide surface preparation technology. It incorporates all of the ‘blasting without grit’ power of the Bristle Blaster® – a proven solution for industrial corrosion removal and generating an anchor profile.

    The Prepper Q4 fits 4 x 23mm Bristle Blaster belts, offering a technology that’s up to 4 x faster than conventional blasting.

    It’s a high performance, rapid surface preparation solution for application areas such as offshore / marine decks and walkways, walls, H-beams and round surfaces such as pipelines.

    Unlike traditional grit blasting, which requires timely set up and clean up, the Prepper Q4 is available in water driven, electric and cordless units. It allows operators to get to work on the application very quickly, ensuring minimal downtime and a rapid return to service.

    Cactus Industrial

    Why Use The Prepper Q4?

    The Prepper Q4 is a high performance surface preparation technology that’s suited to corrosion removal and generating an anchor profile in applications such as offshore and marine decks and walkways, pipelines and more.

    Key benefits of using the Prepper Q4 include:

    • It’s a 100mm wide surface preparation technology that’s up to 4 x faster than conventional grit blasting
    • It operates at a speed of 6 – 12m² per hour, per operator
    • It generates an anchor profile of 50 – 95 µm Rz
    • Dust suction control is available for minimal mess
    • Water driven, electric and cordless Prepper Q4 units are available to suit your application requirements
    Cactus Industrial

    Other Benefits of the Prepper Q4

    The Prepper Q4 is an easy-to-set-up and easy-to-use technology.

    It’s available as a water driven unit, as an electrical unit and as a cordless unit to suit the application’s environmental requirements and makes operation in remote-access locations possible, and in areas where an air line or power supply isn’t available.

    MontiPower UK and Ireland offers on-site training to ensure operators get the best usage from the Prepper Q4.

    If you have any questions regarding application areas or how the Prepper Q4 can assist your maintenance and repair requirements, please get in touch with Cactus Industrial today.


    Call  +44(0)  1698  591635

    Or complete the form below and we will respond to your enquiry.

      Or Call Us On: +44(0) 1698 591635

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