• Epoxy Day Glow High Visibility Fluorescent Coating
Epoxy Day Glow High Visibility Fluorescent Coating

A rapid curing high visibility paint that delivers weather resistance and is ideal for indoor and outdoor locations

Day Glow High Visibility Epoxy Fluorescent Coating Industrial Fluorescent Paint in tin packaging

This Fluorescent Coating is a single pack epoxy application which can be applied on existing paint film of ordinary alkyd or oleoresinous paint

Day Glow High Visibility Epoxy Fluorescent Coating application compared to other industrial high visibility paints

Flourescent Paint (the red application above) is ideal for signposts, emergency evacuation, marks for traffic safety and more. As shown in comparison to other industrial high visibility paints

Day Glow High Visibility Epoxy Fluorescent Coating visibility results in dark conditions

Our High Visibility solution (the red application above) delivers a paint film noticeable under 1/4 lightness compared to ordinary paint film

Epoxy Day Glow High Visibility Fluorescent Coating
Day Glow High Visibility Epoxy Fluorescent Coating Industrial Fluorescent Paint in tin packaging
Day Glow High Visibility Epoxy Fluorescent Coating application compared to other industrial high visibility paints
Day Glow High Visibility Epoxy Fluorescent Coating visibility results in dark conditions

Epoxy Day Glow High Visibility Fluorescent Coating is a high visibility finish coat.

This single pack, rapid curing, High Visibility finish coat that is ideal for signposts, emergency evacuation and marks for traffic safety and more. Since the colors are vivid, the paint film is noticeable from 3 times long distance, or under 1/4 lightness or within half time, compared to ordinary paint film.

Epoxy Day Glow High Visibility Fluorescent Coating is easily applied by brush onto existing paint film of ordinary alkyd or oleoresinous paint. It delivers fine finishing and provides resistance to weather as well. It is surface dry in just 20 minutes (at 10°C and at DFT 25 μ).

Epoxy Day Glow High Visibility Fluorescent Coating is designed to:

  • Hard wearing floor finish as anti-skid
  • Easily applied via brush, Roller
  • Deliver a paint film noticeable from 3 times a longer distance compared to ordinary paint film
  • Deliver a paint film noticeable under 1/4 lightness compared to ordinary paint film
  • Quick curing
  • Safely and easily apply by airless spray or brush
  • Good UV and weathering resistance
  • Single coat application
  • Applications on concrete and steel

Epoxy Day Glow High Visibility Fluorescent Coating Application Areas include:

  • Emergency Evacuation locations
  • line marking
  • Signposts
  • Superstructures
  • Showrooms
  • Funnels
  • Floor marking
  • Production areas
  • Masts
  • Warehouse
  • Workshops
Flash Point 51°C
Volume Solids % 46 ±2
VOC (theoretical) 499 g/l.
Application Details Min Temperature: 0°C

Max Humidity: 85% R.H.

Film Thickness Wet:
43μm Minimum
65μm Maximum
20μm Minimum
30μm Maximum
Spreading Rate
23 m²/l Minimum

15.3 m²/l Maximum

Drying Time
(at DFT 25 μ)
Surface Dry: 10 min and 
Hard Dry: 7 hours at 30 °CSurface Dry: 15 min and 
Hard Dry: 10 hours at 20 °CSurface Dry: 20 min and 
Hard Dry: 17 hours at 10 °C
Overcoating Interval
(at DFT 25 μ)
Minimum: 8 hours and 
Maximum: 30 days at 30°C Minimum: 12 hours and 
Maximum: 30 days at 20°C Minimum: 20 hours and 
Maximum: 30 days at 10 °C

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