
Cactus Industrial is exclusive UK and Ireland distributor of the Monti Cleantech Subsea Bristle Blaster B20 for underwater and splash zone surface preparation.

Please find more information below:

Bristle Blaster® Subsea

Bristle Blaster® Subsea

The Monti Cleantech Subsea Bristle Blaster B20 offers a complete surface preparation package for all your underwater and splash zone surface prep work.

One of the first hand-held surface profiling tools to create an anchor profile underwater, it delivers a surface which is dense, regular and angular, ready for the mechanical bonding of protective materials.

The tool applies MontiPower’s patented Bristle Blaster technology which is capable of generating a cleanliness grade comparable with SA 2.5 – 3 per ISO 8501-1 without the use of loose abrasives.

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  • Removes corrosion, coatings, scale and adhesive residues underwater and in the splash zone
  • Minimal loss of base material
  • Roughness level up to 120 µm Rz in the splash zone and up to 50 µm Rz subsea
  • Surface preparation grade comparable with SA 2.5 – 3 (ISO 8501-1)
  • Torque and speed adjustable with high-pressure unit


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