Archive for the ‘Cleantech Deck and Field Joint Prepper’ Category

Showcasing Surface Preparation Solutions at the 2019 Field Joint Coating Conference

Cactus and MontiPowerUK demonstrated our surface preparation technologies at the only dedicated forum for industry to discuss field-applied coatings, coating of welds and joints and pipe rep...

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cleantech deck prepper at offshore europe 2019

Cactus Success at Offshore Europe 2019!

Brand new technologies were launched at Europe's biggest oil and gas event of the year. This September we launched a number of new surface preparation solutions as we welcomed over 24,000 visitors to ...

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the cleantech deck and field joint prepper. blog image

New Product Launch: Cleantech Deck Prepper

The Cleantech Deck Prepper is a Wide Surface Dustless Blasting Tool. Up To 4 Times Faster Than Conventional Blasting, it's an Ideal Grit Blasting Alternative That Enables Optimal Protective Coatings ...

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Monti Cleantech Prepper introduced at Offshore Europe 2019

Cactus Success at Offshore Europe 2019!

Brand new technologies were launched at Europe's biggest oil and gas event of the year. This September we launched a number of new surface preparation solutions as we welcomed over 24,000 visitor...

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